Aleš Valášek

Aleš Valášek

Current production

Plzeňský pověsti

Milan Benedikt Karpíšek

The taming of the shrew

Jan Kučera

'Who better recipe knows how to tame a shrew, they should tell me! I'd be grateful.' more


Giuseppe Verdi

When Verdi experienced booing during the performance of his comical opera King for a Day, he decided to never write an opera again. more


Antonín Dvořák / Richard Ševčík

Erben’s most famous work will be produced for the first time in Plzeň, as a ballet. more

The Little Mermaid

Petr Hora / Marika Mikanová

The supernal fairy-tale by Hans Christian Andersen in a ballet version is back at the Pilsen Theatre. more

Swan Lake

Petr Iljič Čajkovskij

If ballet has a notorious title in general awareness, it is undoubtedly Swan Lake by PI Tchaikovsky. more

Staging practice in DJKT
