MgA. Johana Němcová

Current production

Richard III

William Shakespeare

“But I, that am not shaped for sportive tricks, nor made to court an amorous looking-glass...” more

Radúz and Mahulena

Julius Zeyer / Josef Suk

The famous poetic fairy-tale drama by the Czech author and playwright Julius Zeyer from 1896 had its premiere staging in the National Theatre in Prague just two years after its publishing. Since then it has become a stable piece regularly acted at various scenes across the country. more

The Chattertooth Eleven

Eduard Bass

“Once upon a time there was a poor peasant named Chattertooth, and he had eleven sons. In his poverty he did not know what to do with them and so he had made them a football team.” more

Spanish fly

Franz Arnold / Ernst Bach

A less known but excellent comedy from the higher society of early 20th century targeting the middle-class morale issues will be the last drama premiere of season 2019/2020. more

Staging practice in DJKT
